Jan 22Liked by Anna James

There is actually (IMO) a wonderful Northanger Abbey adaptation with Felicity Jones as Catherine Moreland and JJ Feild as Henry Tilney. Carey Mulligan is Isabella.

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Yes I like it very much indeed, the cast is excellent! I just want to have a bash at a new one!

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Jan 23Liked by Anna James

Ah ok! Makes sense. You didn’t mention it so I wasn’t sure you knew of it. I’m sure you would come up with a great adaptation of it!

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I should’ve said! And thank you!

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Jan 22Liked by Anna James

I LOVE that film! Perfect casting I think.

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Any chance of a Walter Scott or Sherlock list like this?

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Perhaps! I must admit I have never read any Walter Scott before, not even Ivanhoe despite my dad's name being Ivan, so would have a different feel to revisiting an already beloved author. Sherlock is more likely I think as I've read several before and own most of them already I think!

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Jan 23Liked by Anna James

This was a brilliant read, I love Jane Austen so much. Knowing how you feel about theater, are you familiar with Kate Hamill? She is a genius playwright adapting the classics, and her adaptation of Sense & Sensibility is one of the best things I've ever seen on stage. It's the adaptation (I think) Austen would have wanted. The set pieces are on wheels and the actors fling them across the stage, there is dramatic sobbing and sexual innuendo and chatter and singing. Tonally, it was perfect, and someday I hope to hear your thoughts on it!

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Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading. I haven't stumbled across Kate Hamill but glad to now know of her - thank you! I'll have a Google as to whether it's a possibility of seeing it ever..!

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Will watch anything with Will Sharpe in so can't wait for this to get green-lit. Thanks in advance for this gift.

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I don't particularly believe in manifesting but I shall try and manifest this nonetheless.

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Jan 22Liked by Anna James

I very much like your adaptation strategy. I’m sure the tv production companies will be lining up at the door (I wish they would).

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In my admittedly limited experience, it’s potentially no worse a plan than trying the ways you’re supposed to!

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Jan 22Liked by Anna James

This is so great Anna and I cracked up repeatedly whilst reading (espec the Mr Knightley jumpscare). Must reread Northanger Abbey - I was 16 when I first read it and have no doubt all the satire went straight over my head. I was so dreadfully, painfully bored by Mansfield Park I never finished it and am quite glad now, really.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it, thank you! I can’t recommend going back to Northanger Abbey enough - it’s such a delight.

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Jan 22Liked by Anna James

Your ranking is entirely accurate, imo, so congrats – although we’ll have to agree to disagree vis a vis Keira’s Lizzy, which converted me immediately from a Keira hater to a defender-to-the-death. Either way, I adore the 2005 Bingley being portrayed as a sort of entirely loveable, good-natured, overly optimistic, slightly dense golden retriever of a man (I mean no slight on your other half here who I’m sure has all the good qualities whilst also being very smart).

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Perhaps as I was already fond of her, we are just on two different trajectories with her..!

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